I am having a hard time picking out a name. One of the names in my top 3 and the one I liked the best is/was Chase. I keep changing my mind about the names, but the one and only issue I have with Chase is that my sister named my newest nephew Chance and it's already screwing up my poor parents. I have been discussing names with my mom and dad from the beginning, but my sister refused to discuss potential names for my nephew. My mom has been voting for Chase for my son from the beginning, is okay with one of the other three names (but I have two issues with that name) and neither one of my parents likes the last of my three. I know I shouldn't care what any of them think/say or like about the names, but I feel like it's important and I want the input. But I admit, I have to think for a second before I say Chance's name because Chase wants to come out first, and since they'll only be about 3 months apart in age, I can see it being a lifetime of name mix-up in the family. I'm irritated with my sister over this because I just knew we would pick the same if not similar names, we did it with my first nephew too but I wasn't preggo then so no biggie. I have a feeling she'll be pretty irked with me if I name him Chase. Darn her but I'm inclined to not give a crap.
Tonight's photo: Yes, those are Care Bear pajamas.